Matt Minshall is a private consultant in the UK and France and his chosen role is to match requirements with innovative capabilities for Oman.  

He is the found of the Mayamn water project whose aim is To provide clean water to areas of need swiftly, simply, sustainably, affordably, and with minimum climatic impact”.  He has spoken in Oman on water security and has a number of published articles on the subject.

He is the author of “What can you see in this Cloud?” an educational book for schools about clouds and the cycle of water.  Other interests include harnessing the power of the human mind in crisis management, about which he has written and he is a member of the Editorial Advisory Panel of Crisis Response Journal.  

Deeply conscious from experience of the barriers caused by a lack of awareness between cultures, he teaches people and businesses how to interact better, particularly for the Arab World.

Matt has strong links with Oman and is a member of the Sultan’s Armed Forces Association, the Anglo-Omani Society, and is a member of the Omani British Business Council.  Under normal circumstances he travels to Oman several times every year.

He speaks French reasonably well, and conversational Arabic.


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